Podcast #78 – The “Very Boring Podcast” Edition

Dr. Bill Podcast – 78 – (03/03/07)
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Dr. Bill does another podcast too soon! So… some re-tread Geek Culture! Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie with “How to Buy a Computer!” A promo for Bwana.org Radio! Scott sends me a new graphic header for the Blog! Remember that Ogg is not a caveman! Ogg Vorbis – a totally open and free audio format… which will probably replace MP3! Download the VLC Player! The Geek Software of the Week = winLAME! Not Windows is lame… but winLAME! Not much else going on… so there you go! Time travel paradoxes and such… The Bunny Game… the Gamemaster spanked me on the high score! Somebody sent me an e-mail… Dr. Bill does an e-mail search… David in the U.K. writes me! Dr. Bill converts someone to Ubuntu Linux! I’m outta here!