Update to the DirCaster Project Already!

Thanks to Henry L. Ratliff, a listener to our podcast, we now have a fixed DirCaster release with new features! Here’s the ChangeLog:

ChangeLog for Version 0.7a
2006-12-25 H. L. Ratliff
. Fixed several PHP Notice errors issued when error level set to ALL
. Patched occasion where single digit day in pubdate sometimes
displayed for example ‘ 1’ instead of ‘ 01’. new function fixDat()
. Substituted RSS title tag value with file name when id3 title value
is empty. stripType() drops the file extension
. Corrected raw ‘&’ in RSS title tag (use ‘&’ instead)
. Fixed variable name error which caused, the logic to produce only
a set number of feeds, not to work. Controlled by $maxFeeds.

The DirCaster Project

Thanks so much to Henry for helping get the bugs fixed, and the new features I talked about wanting on the last podcast included. He rocks! Oh, by the way, DirCaster generated RSS feeds now pass the FeedValidator.org RSS feed tester for iTunes and RSS feeds PERFECTLY!