And… Speaking of Mozilla… They Have a New Project… Minimo!

Mozilla MinimoAnd, that project is Minimo, a mini web browser for Windows Mobile 4.2 or 5.0 devices!

A small, simple, powerful, innovative, web browser for mobile devices

“The Minimo has been focused on code-size and runtime footprint reduction, small screen usablity, and porting to small consumer devices. We hope to make Minimo the browser of choice on small devices, or machines with limited system resources; taking advantage of Mozilla’s support for a broad and comprehensive set of standards and the variety of content on the web, proven security, international support, and cross platform capability.”


  • They’ve had that project for a long long time. The older versions were very very large/bulky and slow compared to Opera Mobile. I’ve tried it since 0.11-0.14. They’re on 0.16 now. I’ll take a look again, but it’s probably not been changed that much.

  • News to me! But, then, I am not a Windows Mobile user, so I wasn’t really looking either.