Judge Tosses Out Most of SCO’s Anti-Linux Lawsuit Against IBM

There may yet be justice! The evil (more evil than Microsoft, and that is going some!) SCO is set to lose big time. Hopefully, they will shrivel up and die as they should have done year’s ago. (No, I have no mercy for them.)

Judge Tosses Out Most of SCO’s Anti-Linux Lawsuit Against IBM

“A U.S. magistrate struck down most of The SCO Group’s (SCOX) claims of copyright infringement in the battle over source code in the freely distributed Linux operating system. Dealing a setback to the Utah company’s $5 billion lawsuit against IBM Corp., (IBM) Magistrate Brooke Wells dismissed 182 of SCO’s 294 legal claims in an order signed Wednesday and obtained Friday by The Associated Press. IBM was accused of dumping confidential Unix code into Linux, but Wells ruled SCO had produced virtually no proof of the allegation.” (Emphasis mine.)