Dr. Bill Podcast “Switch Edition” #35

Dr. Bill Podcast – 35 – (05/06/06)
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Intro, my headset is not quite what I want… next week my USB headset comes in! Dewd! Ad spot for the Caffination podcast, how to spell the – computer – curmudgeon URL, you got here so you got 2 points! 25% of Internet Explorer bugs remain unpatched! What up wit dat?!? Check out the Firefox link on the right hand column of the website… click it and get it! Ethanol even for non-green dewds! Common sense reasons to go with ethanol… stick it to the terrorists and the dictators, use ethanol! The doctor mixes up two stories about bio-fuels… oops! My bad! Do I need my tongue need pruning? OpenOffice, the cure for Microsoft FUD! 35% of business offices use illegal software… solve the problem by using OpenOffice! Geek Culture… switching to Linux from MS Windows! Super villians use Linux! You should too! Switch today! Be like Steve! Check out the flash video link:

Switch to Linux Spot

More Jonathan Coulton podsafe music… Christmas with the Andersons on “Chiron Beta Prime”, last news item… if everyone that has a DVR skips commercials, it will cost advertisers 8 BILLION dollars! Commercials should be fun… then maybe we’d watch them! Dr. Bill searches the net for the weird the strange and the odd, Geek Culture tidbits! Send me an e-mail!