Dr. Bill Podcast for this week! #15

This week’s podcast is “in the can!”

Dr. Bill Podcast – 15 – (12/16/05)
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(I had to re-engineer the audio after the fact… sorry for the “just OK” audio quality! LONG Story!) Bad Nietzche Quote!, Early Edition (Friday Evening), Geek Software of the Week: 7-Zip, Shareware authors deserve their money!, Shareware vs. Open Source, all the formats 7zip will unpack, Linux loves KDE, so he has an opinion, leave him alone!, different window managers for Linux, CGI Image that looks like a real photograph!, Movies without human actors aren’t far off, as are video games that are photorealistic!, “Easter Egg” in OpenOffice 2.0!, Microsoft patch for IE is out, fixes the fix for the Song BMG Rootkit!, 3000 Swiss servers move to Linux!, Slowing down and stopping light!, Quantum Computers, Anti-Spyware uses Rootkit technology… what do YOU think about it?, Hints about what coming… Star Wars and Bunnies?, Dell attempts a secret Open Source trial, M$ is evil!, M$ forces “Microsoft-Only” policies, another hint about bunnies, the coolest Geek Software EVER!, VPN for peer-to-peer, Star Wars done in 30 seconds by bunnies… yeah. Bunnies are fast. Until next week!

One comment

  • I disagree with the KDE/Gnome thing you were talking about. (btw, RPM is redhat package managment, not program). You can write with GTK and work in both environments. I don’t think running either managers should make any difference. Managers are basically application layer that sits on that looks pretty. There’s some API interfacing, but there’s nothing that really restricts you to KDE/Gnome/or any other window manager when developing linux applications.