A One 3 min MP3 = A 5 Foot 9 Inch Punch Card Stack
OK… this will only mean anything to truly ol’ time geeks like me. I first learned PL/1 programming at UNCG using a punch card machine to generate stacks of computer punch cards that were then read in to the TUCC mainframe. (OK, THAT dates me!) Not to say that THAT was my first programming experience, of course, credit BASIC on a Radio Shack Color Computer for that. However, I digress! The main deal is that a standard song on an MP3 today would take a card stack nearly 6 feet high!
Boing Boing: One 3 min MP3 = 5 foot, 9 inch high stack of punchcards
How cool is that!? Makes you appreciate the new high density storage mediums, huh?