Fedora Core 4 is Out!
Red Hat has announced that Fedora Core 4 is out and on the mirrors. At the same time, CentOS 4.1 has been spotted on some mirrors as well. While I like Fedora… I really, REALLY like CentOS! I mainly work with web servers, and since I am “server oriented,� I just prefer the less than cutting edge distro for stability. So, on my servers I will stick with CentOS. As far as Linux desktops… I like Linspire. Yeah, I know, it isn’t “truly free,� but it is cool. If you want a free, and similar-to-Linspire desktop, then go with free Debian Linux. It isn’t as easy to install as Linspire… in fact, NOTHING is easier to install as Linspire… but you can set it up… and once up, the “apt get� update utility allows you to keep it current. In fact, Linspire’s “CNR� client/server update and software installation tool is built right on top of “apt get.� So, go forth and play!