Podcasting & iPodder (now called “Juice”)

What is Podcasting? Well, think of it as having “radio shows” that are really MP3 files that you have an application automatically (in the background) download to your computer. You can then listen to them on your computer, or put them on your iPod (or other MP3 player) thus the term “Pod”casting. This has become a HOT new phenomenon that is taking off BIG time! For instance, the old Screensavers crew from TechTV now has a podcast called “This Week in Tech” (TWiT.com) that is downloaded every week by over 80,000 listeners! (I am one.) I also listen to Chris Pirillo’s show (another geek news update/talk show,) and the SciFi Podcast “Slice of ScFi” to keep up on news for SciFi fans. So, how do you automatically download podcasts, and how do you subscribe to podcasts? Using this week’s Geek Software of the Week! And, of course, it is free! Here you go!

Juice Podcatcher Software

They have free (Open Source) versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux! Very nice! I am pondering becoming a podcaster myself. Stay tuned!